Prof. Elena Gaura

Elena received her BSc/MSc in Electrical Engineering in 1989/1991 (Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Romania), and her PhD in Intelligent Sensor Systems in 2000 (Coventry University). She was appointed as inaugural director of the Coventry University’s Cogent Computing Applied Research Centre in 2006 (a position she held until her appointment in 2013 as Associate Dean for Research) and was awarded a Professorship in Pervasive Computing in 2009. Over the course of her career, Elena has accrued a sturdy academic reputation in the area of MEMS based smart sensing systems in general and wireless sensor networks (WSNs)/ Internet of Things (IoT) in particular. She is an active disseminator of research to the academic community, industry and wider technology beneficiaries. Elena has over 140 refereed conference publications, 35 peer-reviewed journal publications, and is a successful editor of journal special issues and books. She continues to be an active researcher in the areas of Sensing, the Internet of Things, and Distributed Energy Systems.